About Me

Hi! I'm Ashley and I'm a student pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Ottawa. My passion lies in software development, particularly in backend technologies. I have experience in languages like Java, Python, GoLang, Scheme, ProLog, and C#, where I focus on building efficient systems.

Moreover, I have a solid foundation in front-end development, with hands-on experience in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Frameworks such as React and Node.js. I enjoy crafting user-friendly interfaces that enhance user experiences!

In the future, I aspire to leverage my expertise in the AI industry, specifically in data science. My goal is to contribute to the development of innovative solutions that optimize decision-making and reduce risks, ultimately making a positive impact on businesses and society.

  • University of Ottawa
    Current second year student in Computer science and Mathematics
  • Programming languages
    Python, Java, PHP, Go, ProLog
  • Front-end development tools
    Javascript, CSS, HTML
  • Developer tools
    GitHub actions, Google cloud, Firebase, Android studio, Eclipse, Notepad++, VS Code
  • Databases
    PostgreSQL, MySQL
  • Data visualization tools
    PowerBI, Tableau

My Services

Web Design / Front-end development

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Databases development

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Back-end development

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My Work

Service Novigrad App

Using Android Studio and Firebase, this app allows a customer to sign in and selct the service they would like to receive. They can rate and give feedbacks to the employee who provided it to them.

Image Search Algorithm with GoLang

This program made with the Go language runs fast multiple tasks (goroutines) simutaneously and finds the five most similar images from the dataset to the query images.

Image Search Algorithm with Prolog

This program made with The ProLog language finds the five most similar images from the dataset to the query image. Its Backtracking advantage allows the code to explore multiple solutions to the problem by successively exploring alternative branches of computation

Hotel Management App

Using Java, React.js, CSS, and DBMS, this app allows a customer to book and rent a hotel room through an employee, cancel a booking/renting, select the amenities in their room and give feedbacks.

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